* US FORENSIC REPORTS by highly credible forensic experts state the Video was Morphed. Read the full article here
VIDEO RECORD: The video is false
The US forensic experts in total give 60 points. The FSL India report gives only 2 points of opinions. The US forensic experts reports are 30 times bigger on a fact-to-fact basis.
Sexual Pervert – Writes ‘When God is my son” Book?
63. What do you have to say about the letters between you and Lenin where you look at Lenin as god?
64. Is it is a mental problem or sexual perversion where you look at a person first as God and then want to have a sexual relation with him?
65. Or is it that you are a habituated criminal with a brain to frame people exploiting the ‘woman factor’?
66. Why do you have a soft corner for criminal child abusers like Vinay Bharadwaj?
67. Do you yourself have a criminal background of child abuse?
68. What do you have to say about some children reporting abuse by you?
69. What do you have to say about the lullaby song you composed and sang for Paramahamsa Nithyananda on his birthday celebrations in the Bengaluru Aadheenam?
VIDEO RECORD: 31 December 2007
Here is the video dated 31 December 2007 showing Aarathi Rao singing a Mother’s Day song dedicated to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
The lyrics of the song clearly show she claimed to cherish a motherly relation for His Divine Holiness.
What woman would have a sexual relation with someone she looks at her son?
69. You have said that for five years, you believed yourself to be a certain divine persona called ‘Goddess Anandeshwari’. This resonates with a mental disorder called megalomania, in which the individual is completely out of touch with reality and has delusions about his/her own grandeur. Have you deliberated on this?
70. Such abnormal fantasies are also seen in individuals addicted to hallucinogenic drugs. Do you have a history of addiction to such drugs?
71. What made Lenin suspect that you were having a relationship with Paramahamsa Nithyananda? Was he so intimate with you as to confront you with such a personal question?
72. Why did Vinay Bharadwaj choose to call you THREE times in the USA to share his story of being ‘abused’ by Paramahamsa Nithyananda? Did you share a special relationship with him?
73. Do you know that Vinay Bharadwaj whom and whose actions you were defending and who you came on record with on media to declare as an innocent victim, has been convicted of 4 serious counts of child abuse by the USA Court and is in prison for 4.75 years?
74. Do you know that the US Court has dismissed the allegations of Vinay Bharadwaj of sexual abuse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda?
75. Do you know that in the civil suit filed by Vinay Bharadwaj against Paramahamsa Nithyananda, at first there were no allegations of sexual abuse and then it was amended to include alleged unnatural sex abuse?
76. Do you know that the same civil suit filed by Vinay Bharadwaj has been dismissed and he has been ordered to even pay attorney fees to Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s organization (for misusing the legal process)?
*COURT ORDERS: Vinaj Bharadwaj was ordered the motion for Attorney’s Fees
Order Granting Motion for Attorney Fees_Vinay Bharadwaj
Read the full case proceedings here, about how Vinay Bharadwaj was convicted by the US Court for the false case against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
77. Do you know that in the USA Court IME (Independent Mental Examination) psychological evaluation, the evaluating psychologist has made serious observations and multiple logical and medical inferences proving that Vinay’s claims of brainwashing are unsubstantiated?
78. Do you know that in your complaint to the USA police alleging the same rape and sexual abuse complaints that you made in India, the police have closed the case saying there is nothing to support your allegations of rape and sexual abuse?
*COURT ORDER in the United States District for the Southern District of Ohio, in which Aarthi Rao is adjudged, ordered and decreed that judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff, Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam and ordered to pay $463, 211 plus attorney fees on August 12, 2004
Court Order – against Aarthi Rao – fined $463,211
80. Do you know that the High Court of Karnataka has taken on record your medical records procured from USA Court (Trial Court for County of Washtenaw in the State of Michigan)?
81. Do you know that after you came on Suvarna TV (a Kannada news channel) in June 2012 alleging rape and sexual abuse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, in the cases filed against Paramahamsa Nithyananda by the District Magistrate and some activist organizations, the High Court of Karnataka has quashed these cases calling the cases an ‘abuse of process of law’, ‘without jurisdiction’, ‘actuated with malafides only to malign Paramahamsa Nithyananda’, ‘abuse of process of law’ and ‘gross mishandling in the actions of all involved’?
82. You claim you were sexually abused by Paramahamsa Nithyananda on 1 Dec 2005 in Salem, India. But your medical record shows on the same day (30th November 2005 in USA), you were in a medical appointment with your doctor for treatment for your herpes. There is public video record of Paramahamsa Nithyananda being in a public meditation program on the same day i.e. on 1 December 2005 in Bidadi, Bengaluru. Why are you fabricating outright lies and preventing real rape victims from getting justice?
83. Is it that you wrote out your story of sexual abuse and the dates for the same, by studying Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s program calendar which is public on the website?
84. Did you make this mismatch-blunder because that particular program was rescheduled in the last moment from Salem to Bidadi and not updated on the website?
85. Did you give the same idea to Vinay Bharadwaj as well – his abuse story and the way the dates are mentioned is very similar. His too has blindly copied and pasted dates and places and written creative abuse stories. For example, Paramahamsa Nithyananda was in Seattle on April 6, 2007, but the chargesheet statement of Vinay claims he was abused in Vancouver BC, Canada.
86. How is it that the dates of your sexual abuse overlap with your herpes outbreaks (genital and oral) recorded in your medical records? Is it your over-confidence that your medical records would never be scrutinized?
87. Your medical record* talks over 90% of the time you visited the doctor for genital and oral herpes outbreaks. How is it that Paramahamsa Nithyananda does not even have the STD when you have such a seriously contagious sexually transmittable disease (which is at least 40% more contagious than HIV) and its variants?
88. Your 19th July 2005 medical record shows your doctor clearly telling you that your STD is so contagious that even if you touch your face and touch another person or another part of your own body, it will spread. How is it that you allege so many sexual and oral sex encounters with Paramahamsa Nithyananda and he has no trace of your disease?
89. How many variants of herpes do you have now? Besides the oral herpes, genital herpes, herpes gladiatorum?
90. In 2007, 2009, in all the dates you claim to be sexually abused (oral sex and sexual intercourse) by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, you are having a herpes outbreak. If this were true, even once if you had a sexual relation with Paramahamsa Nithyananda, how is it that Paramahamsa Nithyananda does not have any variation of the STD?
91. How is it that your medical records show bleeding wounds from your herpes outbreak while you claim you were sexually abused by Paramahamsa Nithyananda? And he is not infected by your OPEN wounds?
92. Your medical record has detailed reports of your personal life and medical and sexual history. If you were indeed even once in a sexual relation with Paramahamsa Nithyananda, how is it that it does not find even one mention in your medical records since 2004? Whereas your ‘new partner in 2009’ from who you suspected you might have contacted HIV is mentioned in it?
93. Do you agree that you have the STD? Your father admits to it.
94. Your father said in a recent press meet that you were suffering from the disease even in 2005. You say that your very first sexual contact with Paramahamsa Nithyananda in 2005 was unprotected followed by around 40 incidents afterwards. How do you explain that Paramahamsa Nithyananda does not have your STD?
95. Do you realize you have the highly contagious STD and Paramahamsa Nithyananda has no STD or never had any; so all your statements of over 40 times of sexual abuse are baseless as the STD would have definitely been transmitted to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, especially since many of the dates of your alleged sexual abuse are the dates when your medical records indicate outbreak of genital herpes and oral herpes?
96. You say in press statements that you having the STD is irrelevant. So do you admit that you have the STD genital herpes?
In the following article, read the false statements given by Aarthi Rao outrightly denying that she has any dangerous disease. The only prominent medical condition her medical records discuss is her contagious 4 variants of the Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) – herpes.
In response to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda application to procure the medical records of Aarthi Rao, essential to prove His innocence in the false case, the State of Michigan 22nd Judicial District Court issued a subpoena (judicial order) to the University of Michigan Hospitals (where Aarthi Rao went for medical treatment from at least 2004) to:
“produce any and all medical records, reports, and test results from 2005 through 2010 regarding patient AarthiRao, D/O/B:12/23/1973, Address: 3118 Village Circle, Ann Arbor, MI 48108”
False Rape Accuser has 4 STDs – U.S. Medical Records Prove It
97. If you were already familiar with enlightened masters like Sri Ramakrishna, Vivekananda and Ramana Maharshi as you claim, why would you imagine that sex is the path to enlightenment? That definitely is not taught by any of these enlightened masters!
98. You say that Paramahamsa Nithyananda made you drop your husband, abort your child, and have an extra-marital affair with him for five years. Can somebody else be responsible for ALL of your immoral acts?
99. You claim that Paramahamsa Nithyananda visited a strip club with you in Las Vegas in 2006, enjoyed the lap dances and made you do a striptease for him later. Wasn’t this enough of a wake-up call for you?
100. You say that you actually drank alcohol, wore sexy clothes and practiced adultery for five years in order to get enlightened? What sort of enlightenment were you looking for?
101. What sympathy can you expect after cheating on your husband for five years?
102. If your husband really believed that you were a victim of abuse, how come he never filed a complaint against Paramahamsa Nithyananda? How come he has never ever come forward in these two years to speak in your defense?
103. Are you divorced from your husband?
104. How did you hide a 5-year relationship from your parents who were living in the same ashram as you were living and allegedly getting raped? Or did they know about it and they were OK with it, that too coming from traditional Brahmin background?
105. As a traditional and orthodoxed Brahmin woman, how could you hide a sexual relationship with someone else?
106. As a traditional Brahmin woman, how could you hide multiple incidents of sexual abuse if you were indeed abused?
107. By your own account, in the name of enlightenment, you blindly committed a variety of grotesque acts that no sane wife or mother (especially from a traditional Brahmin family) would ever commit, even to save her own life. Why did you choose such a path to enlightenment? Why didn’t you go to some other master? Why did you wait to get abused 40 times? And even after that, you went to media instead of the police? It doesn’t add up anywhere to add anything to your credibility or sympathy.
108. When the alleged seven-level security arrangements make it practically impossible for anyone to go into Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s room, how did you move freely in and out fifty times without a single other one of the 200 other people in the ashram noticing you?
109. Many resident people of Paramahamsa Nithyananda organization say that you were never even close to Paramahamsa Nithyananda as you were only a part-time volunteer. How do you claim to be sexually abused in his campus so many times without any of their knowledge?
110. If all this could not stop you from believing that Paramahamsa Nithyananda is God, why did a video of him with another woman make you change your mind?
Following are the Witness Statements
111. You were a permanent resident of the USA till you filed the complaint. How come it was immediately after filing your false complaint that you applied for USA citizenship? What were you trying to escape from if you were fighting for what is right?
112. Why did you file a false bankruptcy case? Then why did you not show up for your own creditors’ hearing? Why did you allow your own bankruptcy filing case to be dismissed?
113. Are you aware of the judgment against you by the US Court on multiple cases?
114. How much money did you make by stealing the yoga and meditation techniques of Paramahamsa Nithyananda and using them in your own studio in the USA?
115. You have evaded over half a dozen summons in Indian courts, and police investigation and over a dozen court depositions in the USA. Why are you absconding from the law if you were fighting for what is right?
Why is Aarthi Rao running away from the USA Police Department after slapping false allegations on His Divine Holiness? Is this one of your criminal strategies to somehow defame and accuse. throwing all possible
On or about 6th November 2011 Anna Arbor Police Department, Michigan, U.S.A recieves a packet of information via US Mail from Aarathi Rao. Among other documents, she alleges that ‘Sri Nithyananda Swami’ made threat to her life and sexually abused her, including rape. She urges the polices to investigate and mades outrageous claims against His Divine Holiness and that go to the extent of defaming and accusing Him of – fraud, sexual abuse, money laundering, etc.
After multiple follow-ups, the false rape accuser, then, absconds from meeting Mr. Michael Lencioni, Detective of the Police Department. After his multiple follow-ups, he states that – “I am have not met face to face with Ms Rao nor have we communicated via the telephone. As a result of no-person contact or meaningful communication to support her allegations, i have not initiated any police report or conducted any formal investigation….”
Following are the letter statements of the Police Department Detective
Reply of Michigan Police Detective Mr. Lencioni stating no response from Ms. Rao
117. Is it that your bankruptcy filing was false?
118. Were you afraid that the US courts will dig out the millions(?) of dollars you managed to get for the morphed video you made of Paramahamsa Nithyananda?
119. Why don’t you come for a psychiatric evaluation of you to substantiate your claims?
120. Did you have any calls or conversations with Lenin in the period from November 2009 to February 2010?
121. Did you meet Lenin in Chennai in January 2010?
122. Your medical record clearly shows you had a highly contagious and incurable STD since at least 2004. And Paramahamsa Nithyananda even now has so many woman devotees. Why will he choose to sleep with a sick person (with STD) like you then?
123. How can someone hide an alleged affair or abuse with a busy public figure like Paramahamsa Nithyananda?
124. Can’t you evidently see not only the US Court sees through but even people at large see through your false story?
None of these masters, Swami Vivekananda or Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, ever spoke about sex being the path to enlightenment.
Then how is it that you blindly accepted when Paramahamsa Nithyananda allegedly told you that sex is the path to enlightenment (page 9)?
If you wanted to prove abuse by Paramahamsa Nithyananda, why didn’t you place a camera on yourself and give it to the police? Why did you instead morph the video and give it to the media? Why did you protect your identity when you were fighting what is right?
You lay multiple claims that you were brainwashed and mesmerized for years and that too from long distance, when you were over 60% of the time half way across the globe in USA.
At that time, there was no video-conferencing facility either. Paramahamsa Nithyananda does not come on the phone either.
You make multiple references to your supposed brainwashing and being mesmerized and hypnotized by Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
iv. Page 2 – “I graduated with a mechanical engineering degree from one of the top 10 engineering colleges in India, and went on to complete my postgraduate degree from a US university.”
How is it possible that a person with such high educational qualifications is mesmerized and hypnotized for 5 years at a stretch, and that too from long distance because you were half way across the globe in USA for over 60% of the time in 2005 through 2009?
v. Page 3 – In Oct 2004 Aarathi Rao says “he told me to read all his books, and no other books, and listen to his discourses to understand and imbibe his teachings.”
How is it that an educated, logical, independent woman like you (who went alone to USA for her higher education) meets Paramahamsa Nithyananda in October 2004 and right away in less than a week listens to some dictum not to read any books other than his?
vi. Page 6 – “So even though I was away from ashram I was continuously engaged in mission work.”
You yourself admit to being away from the ashram for enough time. Then how is it that you are still under the spell of hypnotism while you are away, with your husband or parents and nowhere near Paramahamsa Nithyananda?
If you had been hypnotized, there will be no guilt or conflict. How is it that you felt conflict and guilt?
So, you are saying you were very happy when you thought you were his only beloved, apparently as his divine consort. But when you allegedly came to know there are other women also who share your supposed position, you felt you were being used? Why can’t he give the same confluence experience to multiple women? After all you perceived him as God? These questions are from your own chargesheet statements.
iii. Page 11 – “Confidence that I am moving at supersonic speed towards my enlightenment.”
What is Aarthi Rao’s definition of enlightenment? If enlightenment is liberation, why would she have a problem with others also getting enlightened, especially since she claims she is highly motivated since childhood in doing good for others? How is it that she says she had a problem only because she was not the only one getting enlightened and others also were?
If you felt Paramahamsa Nithyananda was a fraud and that too abusing you, and if your parents were thinking he is God, isn’t it all the more reason for you to ‘reveal the truth to them’ and save them? Why would you be afraid? You would only be in a hurry to protect them from him, is it not?
iii. Page 14 – “my parents strongly objected to my doing the program.”
Why would you go against you parents if you were indeed being sexually abused and you had a conflict about it?
There is not one other witness who has come forward till date.
Vinay Bharadwaj has been convicted in US by the Seattle Court on 4 serious counts of child abuse and has been sentenced to 4.75 years of imprisonment.
So you are defending and has sympathy for a child abuser?
What relationship do you have with Vinay Bharadwaj that you are defending him?
Do you have a background yourself of child abuse?
*EMAIL RECORD: Email communication from Aarathi Rao to Gopika (then, ashram resident), in which she categorically states that – “in all my any personal experience. nothing like this (Swami having relationship with other women) has happened to me…..”
30 july 2009 – Aarthi rao letter to Gopika saying she suffered no abuse
* COURT ORDERS OF CHILD ABUSER: Aarthi Rao, who calls Vinay Bharadwaj as ‘poor Vinay’ and defends him, is a child abuser who was sick and maniacal. His criminal trial commenced in Washington in July 2012 between him v/s the State of Washington and convicted in September 2012 with three Felony Counts of Child Molestation in the Second Degree and one Gross Misdemeanor Count of Communication with a Minor for Immoral Purposes.
His conspiracy defence relating to Sri Nithyananda Swami and other defendants to be baseless, not credible, and lacking in evidence to support such a claim. Mr. Bharadwaj was immediately taken into custody on September 21, 2012, he was sentenced to 57 months imprisonment. As part of his punishment for his crimes, he was deported from the U.S. upon his release from jail in 2016.
Judgement and Sentence by Superior Court of Washington on Vinay Bharadwaj
Findings of Facts and Conclusions of Law by Superior Court of Washington on Vinay Bharadwaj
Why is it that just before releasing the morphed video, you got yourself the US citizenship? Is it so that you can escape from the Indian law where you had committed the offences of extortion and blackmailing.
Are extra-marital affairs and STDs normal misunderstandings? And that too in traditional orthodox Brahmin families such as yours?
Or were they because your husband came to know about your extra-marital affairs that gave you the highly contagious and incurable STD, Genital herpes (HSV-2)?
Was your husband mad with you that you may have transmitted the STD HSV-2 to him also?
ii. Page 26- “I am extremely grateful to my husband for being most kind and extremely understanding and consoling me. Rather than victimizing me to make me feel guilty and shameful, he helped me to open up and gradually release the big burden that was weighing down in my mind very heavily.”
If indeed your husband was as supportive of you as you claim, why is it that he has not yet come out in the open in support of you?
iii. Page 3 – “So we decided to visit India and stay for a while. I came to India and went along with my parents to various places of peace and reverence…”
How is it that your husband did not accompany you on your India visit which was right after your “normal marital misunderstandings”? Were you divorced or separated from him at that time?
iv. Page 4 – “My husband was even more shocked because after deciding to have a child to make our married life happier, I had just conceived and yet I decided to move to the ashram, I told him that I would like the child to grow in me in a spiritual atmosphere.”
If the child was supposedly conceived to make your married life stronger and happier, how is it that you decided to not even be with your husband at that time and instead go against his wishes and move to an ashram?
There is no such thing as part-time ashramite. All are volunteers in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s mission.
ii. Page 7 – “he instructed me to do personal service shortly after.”
iii. Page 8- “Paramahamsa Nithyananda told me to assist Ragini, his personal secretary at that time, in her tasks like serving food to Paramahamsa Nithyananda, cleaning his room, etc. This was called ‘personal service’.
iv. Page 14 – “I was made fully incharge of all personal arrangements for Paramahamsa Nithyananda.”
v. Page 16 – “spiritually demoting by removing or downgrading the sannyas level or canceling personal service privileges.”
vi. Page 16 – “I was given the primary responsibility of taking care of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s personal arrangements in Allahabad”
This ‘personal service’ is false. There are witness statements from Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s personal secretary Pranananda, Chinmayananda and people (men) who are around him all the time, which clearly prove she was nowhere in anything called personal service.
Further, there are so many women in the ashram. Why would there be any personal seva from you, a sick person who has come for healing?
READ THE WITNESS STATEMENTS – of several witnesses, which outrightly disprove the false claim of doing any ‘personal seva.’
Aarthi Rao clearly admits here that she quit her job of her own interest. But she makes allegations in the media that she was forced to quit her high-paying job.
This is false. The US court has judged against you that you in fact stole the meditation and yoga techniques from Paramahamsa Nithyananda and used them for commercial purposes by teaching them in you own yoga studio.
You actually used the participant list of Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s programs and diverted them for your own personal monetary benefit.
The registration list of the programs you conducted for Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s programs had as low as 1 person as most of the participants were willfully diverted by you for your own classes, which are the only ones you advertised.
You knew as early as 2004 that you are a carrier of a highly contagious and incurable STDs like HSV-2.
You claim you are a socially responsible person and hence fighting for justice.
So, having a highly contagious STD and being a public area like an ashram, and especially around children, thereby exposing people to your incurable STD – is social responsibility? Or attempted murder?
This is false. Aarathi Rao herself came to know Paramahamsa Nithyananda only in October 2004. In Jan and Feb 2005, she claims she was traveling in his car. This illogical statement is denied by the secretaries of Paramahamsa Nithyananda – Sri Nithya Pranananda and his colleagues.
In the chargesheet, you claim that Ragini closed the door and you yourself locked the door from inside.
ii. In the same alleged incident of abuse, in her interview to Suvarna TV on 2 Oct 2012, Aarathi Rao says, “When I was doing that, Ragini picked up all the utensils and took them out…. – and then, from outside, she locked the door!”
In the media statement, your claim for the same incident say that Ragini actually locked the door from outside!
This obvious contradiction is one of the multiple proofs that Aarathi Rao is plainly lying about her alleged abuse, as she changes the very alleged facts of her story.
So if Aarathi Rao felt Ragini knew about any apparently sexual activity between her and Paramahamsa Nithyananda, why did Aarathi Rao not confide in her to ask her?
ii. Page 13 – “we stopped in a rest area very close to Las Vegas, where Paramahamsa Nithyananda changed out of his saffron clothes, and wore jeans and tee shirt.”
Baseless allegations as proved by witnesses who were with Paramahamsa Nithyananda during the US tour.
iii. In further statement of Aarthi Rao, she says, “Since some incidents occurred many years ago, I could not recollect the details of all incidents accurately at the time of my earlier statements. To whatever extent I could remember then, I had given accurate information to the Investigation Officer. However, after talking to other ex-followers, who also had knowledge of the incidents, my memory was refreshed about the details of some incidents.
So how are there others who had ‘knowledge of the incidents’?
iv. In page 13 of my initial statement, I had mentioned that in May 2006 Paramahamsa Nithyananda took a small group of us to a strip club in Las Vegas. I would like to correct this date to around October 2005. I had visited the Los Angeles ashram (in Duarte, California) around Oct 2005. ”
Are you saying that you don’t even remember when something as serious as rape was allegedly committed on you?
Do you need to discuss with people about the dates of your rape?
v. Page 15 – “still I subjected myself to such indignity as going to a liquor store near the ashram and buying alcohol…”
You claim you were was forced to go buy alcohol in the middle of the night from Bidadi, in 2006. In 2006, the Bidadi ashram was not even well-connected to the outside world. How did you go to the liquor store? Where was the store? Which store?
vi. Page 18 – Aarthi Rao claims in the Living Enlightenment program in Bidadi in July-August 2007, “The only criterion for attending the program was our answer to the question: “Are you ready to do whatever I say for your enlightenment?” If we answered yes, we could continue and attend the rest of the program.
This is blatantly false statement. The Living Enlightenment was attended by various people – Sri Nithya Pranananda, Sri Nithya Atmaprabhananda, Ma Nithya Vimalananda, etc. They clearly state that there was no such criterion to attend the program.
On December 17, 2008, the video of you clearly shows you there was no sign even of you feeling any doubt about Paramahamsa Nithyananda. You fall at his feet (why would you do that if you were being abused by him?), and you give him a letter, which according to the witness who is in the video, Ma Nithya Vimalananda, had a request for healing her of the STD HSV-2.
You claim you had written about your abuse in that letter. If that were so, why were you nodding your head in the brief reply that Paramahamsa Nithyananda gave you?!
Why did you touch Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s feet twice in 3 minutes in that video?
Why will Paramahamsa Nithyananda return the letter to you?
VIDEO RECORD – 17 DECEMBER 2008 at Bidadi, Bengaluru
Here is a video showing Aarathi Rao giving a letter to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda and evidently asking him for guidance and even touching his feet in reverence.
Why would a woman being allegedly raped by a man touch his feet and show him so much reverence?
vii. Page 21 – “On Oct 11 (2009), Paramahamsa Nithyananda was in Detroit for conducting kalpataru program. There too he called me to his hotel room, and told me that he was in Samadhi…”
You organized the Detroit Kalpataru program. You even got your husband for the Kalpataru program. If you were indeed being abused and that too during the same program in the same place, why will you organize the program and invite your husband also for it?
VIDEO RECORD: 11 Oct 2009
Here is the video showing the false rape accuser, Aarathi Rao with her husband attending a meditation program, Kalpataru in October 2009.
This is after her alleged claim of being raped over 40 times from 2005 through 2009.
Which woman will take her husband for blessings to her alleged rapist?
The false rape accuser even goes on to allege in her statement to the Indian police that she was raped this same night that she took her husband to His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda for blessings.
– Affidavit of Jyothi Sheelum, Volunteer
If Paramahamsa Nithyananda used condoms only after May 2006, then in over 6 instances of alleged sexual abuse charged before that, how is it that Paramahamsa Nithyananda did not contract your highly contagious and incurable STD, HSV-2?
By your own statement, you planted the spy camera in Paramahamsa Nithyananda’s private quarters?