The secret science of manifesting your life exactly as you want it to be, just through the extraordinary power of your Consciousness, is the legacy of our sixty-thousand-year-old Sanatana Hindu Dharma.
Shaktipata is highly effective means of knowledge transmission flourished in the VedaAgama education system, where an enlightened teacher would transmit to the student even the subtle truths that could not be expressed through words alone. Shaktipata was responsible for raising successive generations of enlightened Gurus and students in an unbroken lineage that flourishes in India even today.
In the Kulārnava Tantra, caturdaśa ullāsa (14th chapter), Sadāshiva reveals to Devī, the glory and power of dīkśā, initiation from the Guru, who is Sadāśiva incarnate. He also explains Śaktipāta, the descent of Grace.
यथा कूर्मः स्वतनयान ध्यानमात्रेण पोषयेत ।
वेधदीक्षोपेदेशश्च मानसः स्यात् तथाविधः ॥ ३७ ॥
शक्तिपातानुसारेण शिष्योऽनुग्रहमर्हति ।
यत्र शक्तिर्न पतति तत्र सिद्धिर्न जायते ॥ ३७ ॥
yathā kūrmaḥ svatanayāna dhyānamātreṇa poṣayeta ।
vedhadīkṣopedeśaśca mānasaḥ syāt tathāvidhaḥ ॥ 37 ॥
śaktipātānusāreṇa śiṣyo’nugrahamarhati ।
yatra śaktirna patati tatra siddhirna jāyate ॥ 38 ॥
Merely by remembrance on the part of the Guru who is proficient in vedhadīkṣa (initiation through spiritual surgery), the disciple has his incompletions instantly severed; this is a highly intense initiation, tīvratarā dīkṣā. Released from external activity, the disciple falls. As a result of this Śaktipāta or descent of Grace (the entanglement in Oneness with the Guru), a divine state arises in the disciple and he gains the knowledge of Everything.
While Paramapujya Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamiji has been expressing all the divine powers of Sadashiva since early childhood, in 2011 he launched a landmark expression of spiritual powers (shaktis) by transmitting these powers to others on a mass scale, safely awakening the Kundalini of thousands of his followers simultaneously. Shaktis are the demonstrable expressions of the enlightened state, and form an integral part of the forgotten Shaivagama lifestyle. Between 2010 and 2015, he initiated hundreds of thousands into extraordinary powers like levitation, teleportation, materialization and living without food.
In 2015, with the hallmark Third Eye AwakeningSM, he has successfully initiated thousands into the next level of power manifestation, including blindfolded reading (reading with both eyes closed), remote vision (seeing objects and happenings in remote locations – even on other planets), X-ray vision (scanning the body to detect and heal diseases), moving matter through a conscious command, and downloading any desired information about past, present or future from the Akashic Records (Cosmic Archives).
With the introduction of a range of spiritual alchemy products in 2016 at the ‘Sadashivoham’ Inner Awakening® program attended by thousands of international participants, the numbers and frequency of people effortlessly experiencing higher levels of consciousness and manifesting shaktis has increased multifold. Today, hundreds of students of Nithyananda GurukulSM as well as initiated devotees, tour the world, demonstrating the power of shaktis, offering spiritual healing and spiritual counseling, and opening the world to the possibility of a new superconscious existence.
On 5th June 2017 (World Environment Day), another breakthrough was witnessed when Paramapujya Paramahamsa Sri Nithyananda Swamiji initiated devotees in 108 locations worldwide to manifest rain simultaneously, as a way to heal Mother Nature.