19 Dec 2010
The movie, directed by Mr. Madan Patel, shares lies, perpetuated by Lenin and his co-conspirators, as if it’s proven to be the truth. Mr. Patel in the article states that he has talked to many people who have narrated their experiences of being cheated. However, he and Deccan Chronicle conveniently forget to mention that there still has yet to be a victim named in the complaint against His Divine Holiness Paramahamsa Nithyananda. If he has talked to so many people who have shared their experiences, why have they not yet come forward to the police?
Without any verified facts, Mr. Madan tries to spread lies about Paramahamsa Nithyananda like a virus in his movie. He is fully aware of the enormous traction the film industry has on pop culture and has taken no responsibility to authenticate any information that he suggest is the truth. This kind of reckless anti-Hindu rhetoric has very severe consequences of which Mr. Madan and Deccan Chronicle are fully aware. In the article, he himself vindictively states, “This one episode has tainted the faith and belief of thousands of devotees,” knowing that tarnishing the name of one Hindu Guru will destroy the name of all. This blatant disregard for the truth is only a ploy to program the public against Hinduism.