Beginning on 2 March 2010, the saga of persecution and violence against His Divine Holiness was a excruciating series of events. On the night of 2 March, lynch mobs initiated a live hunt for Paramahamsa Nithyananda in order to eliminate Him and illegitimatize Sanatana Hindu Dharma (Hinduism), guaranteeing its collapse as a lifestyle. From city to city, the mobs chased His Holiness nearly missing His death over 15 times within one night.
Finally, His Divine Holiness found refuge in Himachal Pradesh, away from the mobs that were determined to murder him. From there, He continuously made videos, addressing the his devotees care and the media’s questions. For the safety of His Divine Holiness, His location remained unknown to the public but he was continuously available and enriching the world. He even made a series of videos from this time, answering spiritual questions and enriching people’s seeking for divine experiences (Click here to watch)
On 21 April 2010, the CID of Himachal Pradesh illegally arrested Paramahamsa Nithyananda. The arrest was completely unprecedented because for the false case that was filed against His Divine Holiness there was no victim that came forward, no evidence and not even a mention of rape in the complaint. It became the first time in history that a rape case was filed without a victim. When Paramahamsa Nithyananda arrived in the Bengaluru Airport, a huge mob awaited to kill him. Video footage of the event is shocking how many people thrashed around to create a frenzy and murder His Divine Holiness.
For 63 days, His Divine Holiness was under illegal arrest. Reports came out that He spent most of His time in meditation, attending to the world of prayers while He waited for justice to be served in His own case. His Divine Holiness underwent third degree torture implemented by the CID including noise torture, starvation and asphyxiation. Noise torture was done by continuously cutting tiles with loud and abhorrent machinery. They refused to give him food the entire time and they forced him to inhale dust, creating the feeling of choking and being unable to breathe. On top of all of this inhumane treatment, for no reason but to assure His physical and mental collapse, bail was continuously rejected for His illegal imprisonment.
Finally on June 17, 2010, His Divine Holiness was released from prison. But what no one knew was that the most horrifying mob lynch attempt was planned for the day he was released. Minutes before the release, suddenly at least three hundred people were waiting around, mostly men, dressed in kakhi pants and assorted color shirts to disguise the assassins among them. The minute He emerged from the prison gate, the mob went into a frenzy. Policemen weakly tried to handle the crowd. Chaos erupted with shouts and thrashing people while His Divine Holiness gracefully walked through the crowd, his hands folded in namaskar (salutation) gesture and smiling at even those who were inches away from killing Him.
As graceful as His walk was his escape from Death, as he was ushered into the policecar that would take him safely back to the Bengaluru Aadheenam for the first time after four months.